Nothing much to tlak actually..Hahaha..We watched "Terminator Salvation" at TGV!!!!Walau..Dam sien..Wanted to watch at GSC but decided not too cause the que was dam dam long!!!!TGV seats sucks to the max wei!!The place dam small and cosy..I can barely stretch my legs!!!The show was nice to me..But i dunno them la..Nick and Zi Hao was lost while Chii was sleeping..He did not enjoy that show at all...
After show,went play bowling..Almost TAPAO everyone but could not Nick got a higher score then me =.= Stupid Nick!!!After bowling,suppose to go play baseball but it is close..This chii went to the girl's toilet at the Roof Top..When he went in,Me,Zi Hao and Nick left him and ran down the stairs..Dam small kid but dam fun =.=
Played snooker after that..After snooker i had to balik edi cause got tuition..All of them followed me back..Fetched Nick back to his condo while Chii and Zi hao follow me home :D
- Kum Fong :P -
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