Monday, June 29, 2009
Mr.DurianKing !!!! :P

Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 6:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Potong Steam?!?!
Dam potong steam today! Suppose to go Jamming but cancelled thanks to Nick!!! =.=
I thought he went to school because he did not reply me on msn and my SMS yesterday!!!
Haizzz..Nvm la..Here is how my day goes,i created a record today lol...
I actually do my work and study for 3 hours!!! Nearly 4 wei...I did not believe it. xD
Today was the last module of my computer class also,we designed our own website lol..I suck at it..Hahaha..Will tell you guys the link A.S.A.P :D Came back and instantly went to badminton!!!
Walau..Today at badminton dam dulan everyone lo..Zzzzz...Today i play no form at all and everyone is like dam emo wei..I dunno why also...I see all of their face dam sour!!!!Zzzzz..After that i lost my mood and i did not play edi..Did a lot of stupid things..Zi Hao took 1 lame picture on top!!! D Cup!!! xD=)
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sports Day? :P
No Pictures to post leh cause today never bring camera lol..Hahaha!!!
Never do much in school la today!! Whole day was hanging with Deborah only! Hahaha!! :D
The Marching was awesome wei!!! I love it..Thank God PBSM never get 1st this year..Hahaha!!
1st place was Kadet Polis , 2nd was Scouts and 3rd was PBSM! Hahahaha :D 1st time scouts get 2nd place wei!! :D For the Rumah Marching leh 1st place goes to Blue House , 2nd goes to Yellow house!!!! (My House =.=) and 3rd place went to purple house i think :D
The running were awesome 2..But some of the runners i expect edi!!! Sure win 1 la..Haizzz...Everyday train okay!!If loose to normal student rly nmo face edi wei :P
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
GoKart Baby :)
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Stupid Weather!!!! :(
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ecstatise :P

Had my piano exam today so i went to school late lol..Hahahahah.Reach school at 11 something..Dam late edi but i still have to go cause i need to go for my Interact AGM Club Meeting...Hahahaahah!!!!Dam happy cause i got chosen lol..I am a Ass.Club Service Director now!!! :D Now i am Interactor Wong Kum Fong :P :P :P!!
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Back to Square One? :)
Back to school lo...Haiyo..Have to hardcore study edi..Marks for this term not rly good..Open Day on 1st July 2009!!!!Haiyo!!Die la!!!Hope Pn.Teh gives me good comments!!!! :D Haiyo...Now go back to school...Everyday also see the dam black asshole face...I rly cant take him!!He is super annoying!!! Ishh!!! HAPPY NERDING GUYS!!!! :P
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 3:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Bankai Rocks Baby!!!! :P

Went to Digital Mall today to buy a new set of keyboard and mouse :D Dam nice wei the mouse and keyboard now..Dam nice to type..Hahahaha...Today MBA no lights wei cause the electric box PAO KEI!!So all of use went to Kayu Ara..Played forhwile only..Dam sien =.=
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Forensic Heroes 2 (Best TVB Drama Ever) :P

Forensic Heroes 2!!Today the show just finish only..Last episode..I have the DVD..I dont feel sien 1 wei although i watched the last episode for like 5 times edi??Hahahaha..The show dam interesting..The ending dam touching actually..Hahahaha...Charmaine Sheh Sze Man (Bell Ma Kwok Yeng) dam yeng in this show..Hahaha..
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 9:23 AM 1 comments
Bankaistory (Private Server Maplestory) =.=
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 9:15 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Satu Utama sekali Lagi =.=
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
New Lamborghini Murcielago Ip670-4 SV

Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Tagged :)
Rules: no looking at questions before arrangeing the names.
1. what is your relation with the person who tagged you?
2. how did you know him/herI think I should skip these qusetions
He was my school mate last time :D
3. what would you do if he/she punched you
Errr..It depends how hard he punch?If it is hard..I will give him a slap:)
4. what do you know about him/her?
I know he is very thin and tall!!!
5. what do you hate about him/her?
Hmmmm....Sometimes he is annoying :D
6. what is your impression of him/her is
Okay okay la..Not too bad actually :D
7. what was the most memorable that he/she has ever done for you?
8. what is the most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
Errrr...Kill him?! x)
9. how are you feeling now?
Very Very Boring!!!!
10. pick 15 friends you wish to tag(odd number for girls and even number for guys)
1.Michelle Yeoh
2.Yap Zi Hao
3.Phang Roze-Nn
4.Kevin Wong
5.Esther Tan
6.Andrew Yeong
7.Adele Tan
8.Teik Peng
9.Joanne Wong
10.Adrian Wong
11.Andrea Chan
12.Declan Tan
13.Amanda Soh
14.Julian Leong
15.Kar Mun
11. what is number 3 studiying about?
Totally have no idea about it?!I think this question is dam stupid?
12. what does 7 like?
Hmmm..Most probally food??
13. what do you think about 1?
A very very funny girl and easy to get along :D
14. what if 2 and 7 got married?
LOL!!!It will never happen actually...Hahaha..Both of them are from diffrent worlds!! :D
15.what would you do if 13 fights with you?
Dont worry..I wont scold her..She is my friend x)
16. what if 1 marries 4?
Lol..My cousin with Michelle Yeoh =.= Hmmm..IMPOSSIBLE!!
17.What does 12 like to do?
Hmmmm...Insult People??? :D
18. what would you buy for 8 on his b day?
A badminton racket :P
20. what does 15 like?
Most probally guys x)
21. what if 6 and 7 gets married?
They suite actually..Both name starting with the letter "A" =.=
22.what if 14 marries 11?
Perfect Man!!!Their kids sure like to talk lots!!!Hahahaha :D
23.what if 5 is a lesbian?
Dont wry..She is one already :D
24. what if U see 13 kissing 14?
Hmmmm...I wont disturb them cause they suite and they know each another :D
25. what do you like about 5,6,7,8,9 and 10?
They are my friends and family :P
26.when was the last time you talked with 10?
Less then 24 hours ago?
27.Does 9 have any siblings?
Errr..I think she has 2..1 younger brother and 1 elder brother?
28.What is the surname of number 12?
29. what do you call 3?
30. where does 15 live?
Not rly sure..In SS2 if i am not mistaken :P
31.how did you know 8?
Cause he is in the same badminton academy as me!
32.where does 11 live?
In Bandar Utama!!!
33.what does 9 like?
Playing Badminton?
34.what pet does 5 have?
Sanitary Pads?? :P
35.what do u hate about this blog?
It is dam freaking long and some of the questions are LAME! =.=
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Weird Though :D

- Kum Fong=) -
Handwritten and Spilled by Kum Fong at 5:48 AM 0 comments