After tuition,I fetched Nick,Zi Hao and Siew Ho to Taman Tun Library to study! PMR is within 2 weeks! Meet up with Aileen and Andrea! Not bad wei! haha! I did 1 Sejarah model paper,and i managed to get 97%!!! Believe it or not?! Haha! Everyone was shocked! xD
On the way back from Mamak! xD

Itulah dia BOOM BOOM POW SAYA! (Nicholas Loke)

Tsk tsk.People studying,he texting =.=

Hardcore Maths! xD

Total amount of drinks that we ordered!I drank 3 glasses,but i only paid for 2 glasses.xD
Left Taman Tun at 5 something,came back and got rdy for my concert! BLACK EYED PEAS HERE I COME! xD
- Kum Fong (: -
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