Badminton was dam funny wei,Su Hsien and Debz dam funny lol.Like clowns only.xD.Su Hsien hurt her ankle for nothing.Hahahah..This Tiek la,when people playing badminton,he suddenly come in the court and buat kacau,Hahahaha..Su Hsien trip on his leg and fell down..xD..Dam funny :D
Went makan with Ken Yoong,Wei Xian and Su Hsien only at Mamak.The others all went back edi cause their parents were here.xD I went back at 5 something.Came back,Shower and went to tuition=)I am surprise that nothing happen to me during RKA Day.Hahaha..Parent so kind,I just scared they suddenly burst all their angers at me..Hahahah=)
- Kum Fong :D -
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